Thursday, September 15, 2016

16.9.15日月潭Sun Moon Lake

the sun and the moon to pursue vigorously all day long form
to change into beautiful deep water, scene mark fine Taiwan
sunrise's aperature
moon's form image
clean immediately ,symbolizing earth, to switch in love and inseparable's figure
deep mother earth's love imprint reflect deep pond heart
Azure Dragon Kunlun both mountain top to extend into the deep pool
拉魯島如珠 戲弄
Lhalu as bead to play tricks on.
clansman's ancestor to vie for supremacy into the deep pool
to establish ancestor's departed soul
ZhuLan and pestle song Sanskrit sing sacrificial ceremony prosperous year.
first rays of morning sun makes the lake's eye extract to illuminate
mandarin duck water fly together
Dusk evening clouds tinged with sunset hues and deep pool glory reflect
to shake and to scald black-crowned night heron to soar.
you to cast flirtatious glances at somebody clear and crystalline to come
I sing love songs to ripple and to pass over
Thao (one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan), boys and girls to warm up their passion
pestle sound and dance bell mellifluous cadence resounding
To look from far away, mountain is near to show water
In the middle of the mountains the water is in the middle of the mountains
to have a smile on one's face and the couples kiss
Sun Moon Lake (Dalian, Taiwan etc) and million kinds of local conditions and customs

Saturday, August 6, 2016


飛閱文學地景 Ep 28 - 太魯閣朝山行 余光中

To fly over and to inspect literature as well as 


太魯閣 - Taroko gorge national park in Hualien county
朝山行  towards the mountain hike
花蓮 - HuaLien


太魯閣朝山行 本篇作品出自<<粉絲與知音>>
海拔愈來愈高  it gets higher and higher above the sea level
地勢越來愈險  the terrain gets more and more dangerous.
岩石愈益托大  rocks becomes increasingly bigger
天空愈益縮小  sky becomes increasingly smaller
正是古代畫家  formal ancient painter
夢寐以求的奇景絕勝 - yearn for something even in one's dreams to marvel and to cut short victory
有些隧道  some tunnel
是傳統的首尾貫通  is a traditional head and tail linked together
有些在溪流的外側  some stream's outer side
僅以艈艈的水泥立柱支撐  barely the cerement supports the pillar
貫通的該是山的迴腸  the gorges links together and curve together to form an intestine like object.
側空的就是山的肋骨了  the lean side together to form a rib like object in the mountain.

因為太魯閣他的石頭的地區結構不同  because Taroko's rock structure is not the same as others
他是緊逼在海岸  It is pressed hard against the coastal sea.
不像在西邊的海岸比較和緩  not like the western coastal sea, it is more mild.
很多人去看到都嘆為觀止  many people went there and were gasp in amazement
我去過  I have been there
去過沒有寫這篇文章最近的那一次  been there but have not written an article recently that occasion.
印象這麼深  the impression is very deep
所以我把他記錄在文字中  therefore I record it using words
跟同好來分享  to share them with good friends

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

16.7.27靜埔海岸 Jing Pu Coast
Flower East Coast to have to cause to stand for a long time, good but speechless that pure and powerful.
From Philippines region to peel and to come to costal mountain from millions years ago from central mountain range as a integrated whole
Costal mountain to go to maritime to extend to go out to be considered deep and unmeasurable's pacific ocean.
Too peel and to cut's seabed topography to cause the sea wave to locate distance place and not to have great waves and calm environment.
The only nearby but to meet hard's cliff nature shore lump and to beat against the shore to soar to rise just like a passionated arm of a lady.
To rise her long hair and waved at you with her hands
Ocean's appearance is incomparable and comfortable. Resemble and recline to come down makes no noise at all when the waves moves up and down the chest.
Amis  's small settlement lean at show paternal aunt's mountain range, mouth of the creek on the right side. To go along shore once again.
Not in the least it may be said, can only be persuaded to show to survive to construct a honeybee nest.
To stay at where there are flowers near by the sea wave.
prosperous year during festival times is a way of celebrating New Year's for Amis so as to greet Heaven and Earth this way as a thank you note.
Singing voice to go along mountain range to float towards Binhai highway, to spread towards ocean, in demand for this scene is not difficult to find.
So long as you follow the singing voice, you can discover at elementary school's playground prosperous year to offer sacrifice year whereabout.
Elementary depeneds on mountain and establish, to climb up layer upon layer of stairs, stand on the very small playground on top, can survey the scene from an elevated position whole still port village's scenery.
House settlement scattered around the seaside's fishing boat, lean against the peaceful pacific ocean.
Because of the prosperous year to offer sacrifice and to find the source of the voice
to rotate, to rotate, hai yo, hai yo, ocean's children, and sea wave's sound.
to repeat, to turn around, costal mountain range to rotate, pacific ocean is rotating.

To dance, to sing, never stop to have rest, to arrive to die, to sqaure in a common manner.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

16.2.20 Taivano Žibintų Festivalis - 台灣燈會 - Taiwan Lantern Festival

Viskas prasidėjo dar 1990 metais, Taivano Turizmo Biurui nusprendus surengti didelio masto tarptautinį renginį, kartu sujungiant tradicinius vietinius užsiėmimus, vykusius dar Juan Šiao festivalyje Kinų Naujųjų Metų pabaigoje. Iki pat 2000 metų Taivano žibintų festivalis vykdavo Taipėjaus Čian Kai-šek Atminimo salėje ir aplink ją; nuo 2001 metų festivalis buvo rengiamas vis kituose miestuose ir apskrityse kasmet. Šiais metais didysis pilnas spalvotų žibintų renginys bus surengtas jau 27 kartą TaoJuano mieste. Šiame renginyje galėsite išvysti didelę įvairovę žibintų temų,įkūnijančių įvairias formas ir esančias skirtingų dydžių. Šių metų pagrindinis akcentas - didysis beždžionės formos žibintas - 2016 metai yra Beždžionės metai pagal Kinų zodiaką, ir taip pat 500 metrų ilgio Taojuano padavimo žibintų koridorius.


It all started in1990 when the Taiwan Tourism Bureau decided to create a large-scale international event by combining traditional local activities staged during the Yuanxiao Festival at the end of the Chinese New Year period. Until 2000, the Taiwan Lantern Festival took place in and around the grand plaza at Taipei's Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall; starting with the 2001 edition, the festival has been staged by different city and county governments each year. This year this grand show of colorful lanterns will take place for the 27th time with Taoyuan City serving as host. As with previous edition, there will be a range of different lantern areas showcasing wonderful creation of all shapes and sizes. Highlights will be the grand main lantern in the shape of a monkey-2016 is the Year of the Monkey according to the Chinese zodiac-as well as the 500-meter-long Taoyuan Story Lantern Corridor.

Daugiau informacijos:
More information :
Taivano Žibintų festivalis/台灣燈會/Taiwan Lantern Festival (1)

Taivano Žibintų festivalis/台灣燈會/Taiwan Lantern Festival (2)
Guvi mažoji beždžionėlė/活力小猴/Energetic little monkey

Akimirkos iš festivalio/Moments from the festival: