Saturday, August 6, 2016


飛閱文學地景 Ep 28 - 太魯閣朝山行 余光中

To fly over and to inspect literature as well as 


太魯閣 - Taroko gorge national park in Hualien county
朝山行  towards the mountain hike
花蓮 - HuaLien


太魯閣朝山行 本篇作品出自<<粉絲與知音>>
海拔愈來愈高  it gets higher and higher above the sea level
地勢越來愈險  the terrain gets more and more dangerous.
岩石愈益托大  rocks becomes increasingly bigger
天空愈益縮小  sky becomes increasingly smaller
正是古代畫家  formal ancient painter
夢寐以求的奇景絕勝 - yearn for something even in one's dreams to marvel and to cut short victory
有些隧道  some tunnel
是傳統的首尾貫通  is a traditional head and tail linked together
有些在溪流的外側  some stream's outer side
僅以艈艈的水泥立柱支撐  barely the cerement supports the pillar
貫通的該是山的迴腸  the gorges links together and curve together to form an intestine like object.
側空的就是山的肋骨了  the lean side together to form a rib like object in the mountain.

因為太魯閣他的石頭的地區結構不同  because Taroko's rock structure is not the same as others
他是緊逼在海岸  It is pressed hard against the coastal sea.
不像在西邊的海岸比較和緩  not like the western coastal sea, it is more mild.
很多人去看到都嘆為觀止  many people went there and were gasp in amazement
我去過  I have been there
去過沒有寫這篇文章最近的那一次  been there but have not written an article recently that occasion.
印象這麼深  the impression is very deep
所以我把他記錄在文字中  therefore I record it using words
跟同好來分享  to share them with good friends

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